This has been a strange winter in Central Texas. There has been snow everywhere, it has been so cold. We are learning what Arctic Blast means. But, alas, no snow where we live. It seems to be everywhere else but here. My kids are sad. We are out of school today because we were supposed to be iced in. But no, it missed up again. It is sunny outside! Not to mention, it is March and Spring Break is a week away. We are usually looking for bathing suits by now, not sweaters.
I told you things were going to be changing and they have. I've accepted the role of Coordinator for our church's Women's Ministry. I have already met some amazing ladies who are passionate for the Lord and reaching our community for Christ. It is so exciting. My email has been exploding with ladies who have great ideas and suggestions. I am humbled.
My heart has been blessed by the amazing women who held this position before me. I can not even begin to tell you the support and encouragement I have in her. I have relished in her teaching for the past two years. I truly consider her a mentor. She reminded me of a verse that has meant a lot to me in key times of my adult life. Do you remember the story of Esther? It is one of my favorites. She has been brought to a position of authority, a place of power where she can speak up and really do some good, or keep her mouth shut, sit back and just coast along. So much is at stake. Take a moment and read it.... it won't take you long... I'll wait.... it's a great story!
Did you see it? There at Esther 4:14? Her Uncle Mordecai is begging her to step up.
He says,
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"
Now, don't get me wrong, this is no "royal position" I've taken on; but, have you been given an opportunity that you did not seek out? It came to you and will allow you to have a hand it what God is going to do?
We all have a choice. Sit back, keep doing what you are doing or take a chance. Step up, "For such a time is THIS."