Sunday, February 17


I find that most learning and blessings come in the waiting times. We are all waiting for different things, some a job, others a baby, others wait for happier times. In our home there has been waiting too. My husband spent the last year searching for a new job, frustrated and defeated. I kept praying and believing that God was having us wait to learn to trust Him. It is hard for men to fully trust when they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders; trying to provide for their family.

Now the waiting is changing for our family. My husband was accepted into a prestigious Master's program and our world has changed for sure. He is still working full time and once a month he attends classes for two very intense days. I've never seen him work and study so hard. So now the waiting is mine. Waiting to spend time with him again. It is going to be a long two years for all of us. This first month has already shown us that. But I know the blessing if we all perservere to the end; better opportunities for his career, better opportunities for me to spend more time with our daughter and not feel pulled between working and being with her.

During this time, I will need put aside selfishness, wanting to spend lots of time together, I need to encourage him, support him, remind him God has given us all this gift, a great opportunity. I will be the cheerleader on the sideline. But that will be hard when I feel discouraged and lonely, when I am being selfish and demanding of his time while he studies... so, God, it is in this time of waiting for companionship that I ask You keep me going so that I can be all I need to be for him. I think God is wanting me to spend more time with Him anyway, reading and studying His word while my husband reads and studies. Hmm.. imagine that, not sitting in front of the TV mindlessly watching as I wait for him to come to bed because he must read 5 more chapters of what must be the most boreing text book ever written. If I choose to read my Bible and pray, you know I'll be blessed and so will my family. Humm... that does sound like a good way to wait. I am excited to see what God teaches me the next two years. I also pray for perseverance for my husband has he works so hard.

"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are those who wait for him!" Isaish 30:18

A prayer I read this morning...."Wait. I sense my spirit stirring. A deeper understnding is forming in the core of myself. The waiting that seemed like punishment now shifts toward blessing. The truth of this time of stillness has not changed, but my heart has. You have moved within me to show me Your compassion.

Forgive me, Lord, for the many times I was not willing to give YOU my time. When I raced through the waiting, claiming I had the answer I needed or assuming You had not heard my cries... I was short changing the exchange You planned. Blessed is the woman who waits on Your voice. I am blessed." From "One Minute Prayers for Wives" by Hope Lyda


Liz said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Tim is in flight school 12 hours a day and then comes home to study. It's been a long year. I always long for Saturdays when Nate and I can see him for a few hours. We're down to about a month left of school, followed by survival training (3 weeks somewhere, where he will have no phone or letters or any contact whatsoever), and then we graduate. I say "we" because it takes two to hold a family together through it. We've seen several marriages fall apart over the last year, one just yesterday, in fact. So yes, you have the right attitude - support, support, support! God gave you to him for such a time as this.

Anonymous said...

love that prayer at the end!!! Your attitude is perfect and will make both of you more successful at whatever you pursue. Hang in there and in the meantime... COME VISIT US!!!!!!!!! :)
