Now, are you ready for this? No, seriously, are you sitting down? This is my first ever mp3 player. I know, I know you are all saying, "what the hey, your first mp3 player? I thought you were much cooler than that" Well, actually, I'm pretty cool, but obviously not that cool. I just don't spend that kind of money on myself. I am so excited. It was a gift for a project I've been helping her with, she really should not have bought it for me, and I am so grateful. I've been playing with it since we got home from church. Now... I have to find some good music to put on it. Oh I can already tell, iTunes and I are going to be very, very good friends!
Thanks Becky... your the BEST!

i don't have an ipod either =)
very cool. that becky, she is so sweet!!! also, the "subscribe in a reader" does not work. However, I did subscribe via email.
I love my ipod! I won mine in a writing contest and have had a blast with it since then. It is so practical!
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